Obtaining Your CLE Certificate

Obtaining Your CLE Certificate

In-Person CLE:

  1. Attend the event and follow attendance instructions given at in-person events.
  2. After an in-person event, INCBA will report your attendance to the ABA and the ABA will send out an email with a link to an affidavit you must complete. 
  3. Watch for an affidavit email from the ABA with links and instructions. (Speakers, please refer to additional affidavit instructions below.)
  4. If you missed the original email and need to access the affidavit process two weeks or more after the event, please follow the ABA Affidavit Self-Service Process below. 
  5. The ABA's system will handle everything from that point forward.

ABA Affidavit Self-Service Process:

  1. This process applies to any purchase shown in the "My List" tab within your INCBA account. (Click here to login.)
  2. Attend/Watch the event completely. (Time-tracking is enabled for accredited online programs.)
  3. Once the event is over, click the orange "certificate" button located beside the appropriate session or event in your "My List" tab.


  4. To finalize and validate your attendance, complete the steps in the accordion menu. Green = Complete and Ready

  5. Once all menu items are green, the link in the ABA Completion accordion will be live. Click that link to complete your affidavit and access your CLE certificate immediately. (Speakers, please refer to additional instructions below.)
    PRO TIP: The "ABA Affidavit Process" link will also allow you to access the certificate at any time in the future as well.

  6. You may also receive an email from the ABA with a link and instructions leading to the same affidavit process outlined in this document.
  7. The ABA becomes your primary point of contact regarding the respective CLE certificate and will handle everything from that point forward. If you need the INCBA to intervene and assist in obtaining your CLE for a specific session, please follow the "support" instructions below.
  8. If you are self-applying for CLE credit and need to prove attendance, you can access your Certificate of Attendance in the "Access your Certificate" section. The resulting form will clearly indicate it is a "Validation of CLE Attendance" and is not your CLE certificate.

Speakers: To ensure you get speaker credit, submit your affidavit making certain to include the following updates: 
  1. For the session you spoke on use the dropdown menu on the right and change Attendee to Faculty
  2. Mark if you were a Moderator Only or Part of the Panel
  3. List the number of speakers
  4. Indicate if you took place in preparing the materials for the course. 
  5. Once submitted, your certificate of completion will list your faculty credit totals (sometimes found separately on the third page).
For Multi-session Online Events: The orange "Certificate/Completion Results" button for for multi-session symposia can be access by "launching" the specific virtual summit and visiting the "Course Schedule" page. There, you will be able to complete the process for each session you attended.

Need help: Should you require our assistance, please open a help ticket through our intake form, or send an email to support@incba.org.